Uber Rider? Find Out Your Rating!
If you regularly use Uber, don’t you know that Uber riders get rated too?
Aside from us riders giving rating to drivers,they also provide ratings to the rider every after end of trip. Unlike with Grabcar, both rider and driver are given the opportunity to rate one another after each trip. According to Uber, this is to ensure that “the most respectful riders and drivers are using user”.
Logo is owned by Uber
How do I know my Uber rating?
To know your rating, just follow the steps below (iPhone Uber app):
Open Uber app
Tap the profile icon on the topmost left of the application

You will be directed to a page containing your last Uber ride. Just locate and tap “Account”
Tap “I’d like to know my rating”
Just tap “Submit”. There will be a pop-up window stating that Uber received your request and they will notify you via e-mail.
An Uber customer care representative will email you containing your rating. Upon request, e-mail usually arrives 5 to 15 minutes.
If you are an Android user, same process applies if you want to know your Uber rider rating.
Note that Uber in the Philippines is currently available on Metro Manila areas only. If you are traveling Manila, Uber Manila is the safest and most convenient ride. Currently, Uber is also cheaper than taxis and Grabcar.